We’re a nation obsessed with counting steps. But the UK’s largest private health insurer knows that being active is much more than that, which is why Vitality came to us to shine a light on the many other ways that you can keep active. In the Vitality world it’s points, not just steps, that make prizes so we set out to find The Point of it All.

Vitality has over 1.7 million members up and down the country, and one way you can keep your premiums low is through earning Vitality points with regular exercise and healthy living. But Vitality noticed that customers focused too much on their step-count, and for some this was putting them off. They wanted to show the many other ways that members could earn points and offer inspiration for people to get them engaged and up and active. So, we came up with ‘The Point of it All’ - a series of films, interviews and blog posts focused on real members doing the activities they loved. From active gardening to energetic chores with the children and everything in between, we set out to show there are so many ways to collect points that the only obstacle was your imagination. Working with director Si Cox, our films formed the basis of a month-long new year campaign across email, social and YouTube with 12 films in total, as well as imagery to support the campaign. It’s fair to say there was plenty here to keep us active and gave us the opportunity to show what the point of it all is for us at L-E-A-P.