You say tomato, we say Tarantella. Because, to us, there are no other tomatoes worth talking about. Tarantella produces the finest organic tomato products you can get your hands on here in the UK, made from Italian tomatoes enriched by the Mediterranean sun and soil and bursting with flavour. This was a juicy little brief we couldn’t resist.

Tinned tomatoes may seem like a commodity product, but it’s becoming a competitive brand space, with many people realising the difference quality tomatoes can make to the flavour of popular dishes. And Tarantella has long had a reputation for producing the very best quality, certified organic tomato products. Yet its brand was looking dated and uninspiring. We worked together to bring a new brand positioning to life with a new brand identity, packaging across their core range of products and tasty new comms. ‘Let your taste buds dance’ captures the Italian spirit and passion at the heart of the brand, but positions the product in the space of taste and culinary exploration. As well as premiumising the product range versus own label and other branded competitors, it has also unlocked the opportunity to innovate and expand the range going forward. Tarantella can now sit proudly on supermarket shelves across the UK and our ongoing relationship with the brand is just bursting with potential.