We partnered with Attain, a company dedicated to revolutionising the way women in work, work. Through coaching and empowerment they support female leaders and large corporate clients to reach their goals and fulfil their potential.

You only have to spend a bit of time on LinkedIn to see that it’s inundated with so-called ‘life coaches’ or individuals putting themselves out there as ‘professional development gurus’ – many with little experience or accreditation. Attain is different. Led by a highly qualified coach with decades of experience working at the top of corporate businesses, this is a brand that knows what it takes to achieve and succeed. So, we saw the opportunity to position the brand on the strength of its founder’s passion for helping women truly excel in the workplace. We called it ‘coaching and empowerment for women that mean business’, providing an assertive but positive attitude for the brand to help it stand out in the crowded corporate marketplace and stand up for something important. We devised an identity to capture this positioning and attitude, emphasising the idea of attainment through a new logo and a bold colour palette that doesn’t mess about and gets straight to the point. In getting to know this brilliant brand we were inspired ourselves and immediately signed up to a coaching programme – because like we tell or our clients, you have to learn before you L-E-A-P.