Soil Association Exchange
It’s not overstating it to say we were honoured to be approached by the world’s foremost proponent of organic farming to help them create a new brand dedicated to all farmers and growers, with the aim of helping them reap the rewards of sustainable farming. Soil Association Exchange is set to become one of the most important organisations for the UK farming industry and will help lead us all towards a better future for our planet.

The Soil Association Exchange provides consultation, skills and scientific data to improve farming methods whilst also extolling the benefits of sustainable farming practices. But we realised early on that the real key to engaging all farmers (not just the organic sector) was to clarify the position of the new brand as an organisation that is there to support the ‘business’ of farming. With the farming industry under huge pressure following regulatory changes, it is in everyone’s interest to adopt and move towards sustainable farming methods. It is the role of the Soil Association Exchange to support them and highlight ways for them to benefit commercially. Our ‘better farming for all’ proposition was born out of the idea that the Soil Association Exchange both empowers through knowledge and enables through practical commercial advice. The end result? Better farming practices, more profitable farming businesses and a healthier planet in the long-term. Our work underpins the development of the business, which was formally launched in 2023, as well as the brand logo, visual identity, website and comms materials that we have since created. We like to think we’ve sown the seeds for success as we continue to support our good friends at this very special organisation.